Interesting Honey Bee Facts You Might Not Have Known

Honeybees are pretty amazing. From what they do for the environment, to their delicious honey they produce in their hives- they are pretty fascinating insects. Let’s cover some facts you might not have known when it comes to the honeybee!

A hive can contain up to 60,000 bees

You read that right, the term “worker bee” comes straight from the hives as there is a lot of work to be done to keep a hive running. From foraging to taking care of the babies- every honeybee has a job.

One honeybee produces 1/12th a teaspoon of honey in its life

Wow. That seems like very little for how much work a honeybee does! You aren’t wrong, but they don’t live very long lives either. The lifetime of a worker bee is about five to six weeks total.

Queen bees only mate one time

Queen bees live interesting lives. Only a week after they emerge from their cell, she will have only 20 days to mate. If the mating is successful, she will never have to mate again for the rest of her life.

A queen bee can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day

That is a lot of laying! Queen bees work around the clock doing their sole purpose of replenishing the hive. They will lay about 2,000 eggs a day which will equal about 1,000,000 in their lifetime! Once their egg production starts to slow down, the hive will choose a new queen that they will cater to in order to keep the hive going.

Male honeybees, or drones, only serve one purpose

Male bees only purpose is to mate with the queen bee. A week after emerging from their cells, they will be ready to mate. Once they have mated with the queen, they will die.

A hive stays a constant 93 degrees all year around

The bees keep the hive in working order by keeping the temperature at a balmy 93 degrees. As the temperatures decrease around the hive, the workers will form a tight bundle around it to keep the temperature up and preserve the hive and the queen.

The hive decides the type of bees the eggs will turn into

You might have thought that the queen would decide what type of eggs she lays, but it is actually the decision of the hive. The type of bee that is produced depends on what the larvae are fed.

Only the queen bee uses the “restroom” in the hive

Yup, bees are “bee-yond” neat when it comes to their hives. Bees will leave the hive to defecate leaving only the queen bee to use the restroom in the hive. Some bees follow her around to clean it up as soon as it happens!


Target Rocket

Hi, I’m Evan. I launched this freelance content writing (ad)venture with my best friend, Daisy during that COVID-19 pandemic thing. I like working from home, and Daisy likes that I like working from home. I spend my days writing blogs and web content. So far I've managed to keep a roof over our heads, peanut butter on my white bread, and food in Daisy's bowl. So I guess you could say it's working out. I have some pretty awesome clients who ask me to write about all sorts of topics. Need some help with your content? Well, I just might be (definitely am) for hire. Connect with me here or shoot me an email and let me know what Daisy and I can write for you!